Energy & Resources

Energy and Resources is an important regional practice area for Hamdan Rashoud Al zeyoudi. We have advised on some of the most significant energy-related transactions and disputes in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region.

The MENA has embraced the energy transition with enthusiasm stimulating an influx of investment and regulatory reform in the energy sector and rethinking how the region’s cities are designed, built, and operated, integrating sustainable development goals into their visions and national planning processes. At the heart of this transition, MENA states are leading the way on renewable energy development, lower carbon future, and installation, whilst conventional oil and gas will continue to be relevant for decades as the MENA transitions towards cleaner energy sources.

Our Energy and Resources team is at the heart of MENA’s energy industry, advising some of the world’s largest state-owned and international energy companies on conventional oil and gas, mining, power, renewables, and energy transition-related mandates. Through our experience in acting on many of the largest and most complicated energy and resources transactions and pan-regional expertise, we advise on the entire lifecycle of a project and lead the implementation of novel legal solutions that have become the market norm.

Our team spans Hamdan Rashoud Al zeyoudi’s extensive network of offices in the MENA and represents oil, gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG), petrochemical, mining, and power state-owned and independent corporations on the acquisitions of energy companies and assets, the development of oil, gas, LNG, hydrogen, mining and electricity projects, privatisations, and joint ventures. We also have a unique experience with respect to disputes, sanctions, and compliance within MENA countries and internationally.

Oil and Gas

We have extensive experience in the oil sector acting for state-owned companies and major international and smaller independent oil companies, whether explorers, developers, or producers. Our specialists have advised on several complex legal and highly confidential matters across the oil, gas, and LNG value chain. As a large proportion of the global oil and gas assets are MENA based, our work has taken across the entire region and beyond, advising on a range of work, including financing and refinancing (debt and equity), licensing and granting instruments, joint ventures and farm-ins, oil and gas service contracts, rig and drilling-related agreements, royalty agreements, transportation and shipping, processing, and operating agreements, lifting agreements, sales contracts, and decommissioning-related arrangements.


We advise explorers, developers, and other energy and mining companies on joint ventures, M&A transactions, project finance, and regulatory matters, as well as on the construction, development, funding and operation of mines and related infrastructure in the MENA. Our experience includes advising on projects relating to a wide range of minerals, including metals, coal, oil shale, gemstones, limestone, chalk, dimension stone, rock salt, potash, gravel, and clay. We are involved in mining projects from the exploration stages and all through the lifecycle of mining projects. With our experience of the legal and commercial difficulties that the MENA mining industry faces and the interpretation of mining-related legislation, we provide unrivalled support to mining operators and host governments.

Power and Renewable Energy

We advise sponsors, financiers, contractors, and government agencies across the sector on developing, financing and operating power and renewable energy assets and infrastructure. Our integrated service covers all relevant aspects of power and renewable energy projects, including regulatory advice, planning, licencing, construction, procurement, power purchase agreements, acquisition of project facilities, and funding and leasing of such projects. We have represented local companies, governments, sponsors, and lenders across a range of matters in relation to energy grids, transmission, and distribution networks. Our practice covers the full range of power generation technologies, including utilities, renewables, and nuclear.  We have expertise in a wide range of renewable energy sources, including Bioenergy, geothermal, storage, and waste-to-energy, with particular knowledge in solar, wind, and hydropower projects.

Infrastructure and Projects

Our Projects practice has been at the forefront of this growth, advising our broad base of government, international and regional developers, and financier clients on all types of projects. We have advised on path-breaking solar projects, waste-to-energy, nuclear, water and power projects, ports, and infrastructure privatisations.  We have the depth of resources to advise on all aspects of a project, from the initial bid to project structuring, transaction completion and operations. Our deep understanding of local laws and international practice allows us to guide clients in undertaking a successful project.

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